Hello there, My name is Brenda Norman, and it is a pleasure to get acquainted here. From my earliest memory, I recall lending support to help make good things happen with others.
As a community development leader and consultant over 30 years, I have successfully engaged partners, not for profits, businesses, various levels of government, volunteers, and every day folks to come together, to be on purpose, and explore vision and facilitate change processes towards achieving their missions goals. I know how to access the necessary resources and stay abreast of funding opportunities. There is no cookie cutter approach that meets the needs of any one Non Profit to community building and funding needs. Likewise, client's values, motivation, and mission to developing services for the common good are unique and historically one of a kind. By strategically evaluating and measuring risk of organizations using scientifically evidence based tools my team at Vectors Group and I can supports your goals in a manner that is right for your organization.